what is religion?


what is religion?


Religion is: the general system that governs life. It is synonymous with the word “system” or “methodology” in modern conventions with the inclusion of the connotation of faith and belief in the heart and behavior in reality.

concept of religion:

The concept of religion in general is submission, this submission is accompanied by implementation and commitment to certain orders, and compliance with ideas and principles stipulated by this religion in which a person believes or owes, and the concept of religion is also defined as a person’s belief in a great, sacred power above nature, in addition to the existence of provisions belonging to these Strength is adhered to by man throughout his life, and the concept of religion is often linked to morals. Religions as a whole call for good morals; Because if she had not been invited to Good morals have met with great aversion from people, because the human soul is instinctively familiar with good manners and rejects all evil and every immoral behavior. It was also said in defining the concept of religion that religion is a set of ideas that would present convincing answers to humans for existential questions and questions that are raised in The relationship of humans to the surrounding universe, which would also give convincing answers - to some extent - to the idea of ​​death and life after death that has puzzled man since ancient times.
These definitions are all based on opinions put forward by some thinkers. The world did not agree on a unified, fixed definition of the concept of religion. The idea of ​​religion is related to the idea of ​​God that has existed for thousands of years, and every thinker knows the concept of religion according to what he believes in. Therefore, religion was defined from a belief standpoint. And he was known spiritually, atheistic and rational, and God Almighty knows best.

The concept of religion is language:

The word “religion” is derived from the verb “dan” and “to condemn”, which means: belongs to and believes in this religion and its beliefs. The Almighty said in Surah Yusuf: “He would not take his brother in the religion of the king.” And among the meanings of religion is also the rule or the law, the Almighty said: “And fight them until there is no persecution and the religion is all for God.” Religion is one of the names of the Day of Resurrection. In addition to talking about the most widespread religions in the world.
