The power of Islam

 The power of Islam

Manifestations of strength in Islam

Sincerity of faith and belief, a strong Muslim takes the teachings of his religion firmly, so he does not slacken in them and does not retreat.

Consistency in the footsteps, for the Muslim distances himself from falsehood and refuses to go along with his family, and in return he stands with the truth and helps people in it.

Wrestling with the truth and leaving courtesy in it, and enjoining good and forbidding evil based on the strength of adherence to the truth and contentment with it.

Control of will and self-control, and this trait indicates perfection of qualities and lofty qualities.

The military force that defends the Islamic nation against enemies.

Reasons for the strength and honor of Muslims

There is no doubt that there are reasons and factors that lead to the strength and honor of Muslims, including: their adherence to the Book of God Almighty and the Sunnah of His Prophet, the arbitration of Sharia in all aspects of life, combating heresies and deviations from religion. Its problems, and one of the reasons for strength is reading Islamic history to recall the nation’s history when nations condemned them, so souls are sharpened, resolves are resurrected, and optimism is that the future of this religion and victory is an ally no matter how long the time takes. There will remain a house of wool or wool, but God will enter it into this religion, with honor, dear, or humiliated.
Despair and despair should not infiltrate Muslims, but rather they must sense responsibility, and begin to reform themselves and then expand the reform of their societies, and sins should be avoided, and they should not be deceived by numbers and numbers, and be alert to the machinations of enemies and intimidation of them.

Why should Islam be strong?

Achievements Achievements are like impossible, and there is no nation other than his:
Islam united the Arabs, brought them out of darkness into light, and made and made the best nation brought out to people.

He triumphed over the Persians and the Romans, the two powers that were quarreling for supremacy over the ancient world; The power of the Persians in the east, and the power of the Romans in the west, were inherited by Islam and its missionaries, and they spent their treasures in the cause of God.

Eastern Europe, Eastern and Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Eastern Europe, had it not been for God's destiny in the battle of (Boat al-Gharbiyyeh).

The Islamic conquest was the conquest of the civilization of the country, and the reform of the servants; That is why historians rightly said: “History has not known a more just or more merciful conqueror than the Arabs, i.e., the Muslims.”
With these miraculous victories and achievements, Islam has faced hardships and tribulations throughout its history, and if others be affected by them, they will perish and be lost.

Since the dawn of Islam, the movements of apostasy began, and Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq confronted them with an unrivaled determination, until the Arabs returned to this religion.

Then the situation of the Muslims deteriorated until the day the Tatars entered Baghdad, destroyed the Abbasid Caliphate, killed the Caliph, and humiliated the Islamic nation to the utmost humiliation.

The Crusaders came with their verdict and their verdict, so they entered Palestine, seized Jerusalem, and established in the Muslim countries and on their ruins, principalities and kingdoms that lasted for nearly two centuries.

In the modern era, the countries of Islam were plagued by colonialism, and most of their countries turned into colonies.

The lands of the Muslims were occupied and colonization entered it, and it appears that it bears the name of colonialism, and in fact it carries a hateful Crusader spirit, which the military leaders could not hide.

When the British military commander (Allenby) entered Jerusalem in 1917, he said his well-known word: “Today the Crusades ended.”

And from the evil of what happened in this century: the rise of the Zionist entity, and a state was established for them after they were torn apart in the land, and God cut them off in it and divided them. tries and fights; To prove his feet in light of Arab weakness and Western support.
The Jews have a state, but it is impossible to continue!

Muslims may weaken their affair, but they will not die, for the day they return to their religion and their law, God will write victory for them, and the law and history are witnesses to that, and the divine Sunnah and history both confirm the fact that “Islam is immortal and everlasting.”

The more the history of the Islamic nation descends, the sooner it rises. We Muslims face a reality in which Islam has become strange, its nation is defeated, its conditions are turbulent, and its enemies are lurking in it, yet we see the light emanating from the heart of darkness, and the spread shining from the midst of alienation.

And this hadith of the Messenger of God confirms that - even if we live in exile - we must live a victory after it: ((Islam began as something strange, and it will return to being strange, so blessed are the strangers)). They said: O Messenger of God, and who are the strangers? He said: ((Those who are right when people are corrupt)).

This hadith does not lead to pessimism, as the defeated think. But it bears good news in times of crisis.

Islam began as a stranger and then spread, and in its history its estrangement was renewed, and with it its victory was renewed, and in our reality we see the features of victory looming on the horizon of this present estrangement.

We do not know how much life is left in this world, we do not know that, but what we know for sure is that Islam remains as long as life remains, and that as long as the sun rises and sets, Islam is renewed and not dissipated, and its nation may get sick but does not die, and when its enemies think that it has become a corpse And that she is about to be buried - a new dawn begins for her that confuses the enemies, makes them withdraw from where they came, and retreat from where they advanced.

This religion will remain until the Day of Judgment, and God - the Most High - says: {They want to extinguish the light of God with their mouths, and God will complete His light even if the unbeliever may hate it] [Al-Kafir: 8].

The future belongs to Islam, and who was a Muslim will be victorious, and how can he not be victorious and with him is the truth that the heavens and the earth established, and with him is God, his angels and the believers?
By God, the future belongs to Islam, if we do well and be patient along the way. We affirm that the nation may get sick but not die, and it may weaken, but soon it will be renewed and cohesive.

This is an American orientalist of Lebanese origin (Philip Hitti), who explains in his book “The History of the Arabs”: “In the early twelfth century AD, the Islamic nation faced a strange situation. She: Everything heralds the demise of the religion of Muhammad.

The crusaders marching from the west of the Islamic world were able to take Jerusalem and feel the way to the north of the Arabian Peninsula; To reach the tomb of the Prophet in Medina.

At the same time, the Tatars in the east of the Islamic world were able to demolish the great cities, and when they entered Baghdad, they threw Islamic books into the Euphrates, until the water turned black from the abundance of ink that had disappeared.

Everything was heralding the demise of Muhammad's religion. All that remained was for the pincers to apply and their arms to approach the heart of the Islamic world. Islam vanishes from the whole world.

This is how (Philip Hitti) described a chapter of Islamic history, but at the end of the chapter he said: "When this century ended, there was another question: Will anything stand in the way of Muhammad's religion? How?! What happened?!"
What happened is that the Muslims were able to recover Bayt al-Maqdis ninety years after the establishment of a Latin state there; Where France and the Vatican were the ones who appointed the governors in Jerusalem, the Latin state fell in Palestine, Salah al-Din overthrew it, and he returned the call to prayer to the mute beacon, and he restored monotheism and his word to the silent pulpit, and Muslims in the east of the Islamic world were able to introduce the Tatars to Islam.

So, the Islamic world resumes a new page, overcomes defeats, and opens new countries; Constantinople is conquered by Mehmed the Conqueror; To fall the eastern Roman state, and raise the flag of monotheism there.

This is the religion of Islam, and this is the nation of Islam.
