The most widespread religion in the world


The most widespread religion in the world

What are the most common religions?

Christianity has been the largest religious group in the world for decades, accounting for 31% of the Earth's 7.3 billion people, followed by Islam at second place with 24% of the world's population, while the other 45% of the population know they don't (16%) Hindus (15%), Buddhists (7%) and unaffiliated and unaffiliated folk religions (7%) So as of 2015, Christianity and Islam made up more than half of the world's population, the world's population is estimated at 32% by 2060 with Muslims expected to grow At 70%, making it the fastest growing religious group, the Pew Research Center estimates that in the second half of the twenty-first century, Muslims will outnumber Christians.

The rapid growth of Muslims in the world is expected to be fueled by natural demographic factors such as a young population and high fertility rates. In terms of age, Muslims are the youngest major religious group in the world with an average age of 24 years, with the highest concentration in Africa and the Middle East where estimated The global population growth rate is the highest, and unlike other religious groups in which women have an average of two children, Muslim women have a higher fertility rate An average of three children in her lifetime. These dynamics also apply to regions with a high distribution of Muslims, as in India for example, the number of Muslims is growing faster than the original Hindu religion or belief in the country and is expected to rise to 333 million by 2060 CE, the only regions in the world that are identified on It contains the smallest composition of Muslims, which is the Caribbean and Latin America, with a weak representation of Muslims in these areas, as the Muslims in them are very few.

Religious conversion is also one of the main factors that will contribute to the growth of Muslims by the year 2060 AD, which causes what is expected that religious conversion to Islam will hinder the growth of Christianity by an estimated 72 million, and it is expected that it will not have any negative impact on Muslims due to the scarcity of Muslims. The two converts from the Islamic religion, the converts to the Islamic religion are much more than converts from it in proportions that are absolutely incomparable.

An article recently published by the "Guardian" website sheds light on the growth rate of religions and sects in light of the expectations of the world's population in the horizon of the year 2060. Perhaps the most prominent thing that the British newspaper revealed through a demographic study conducted by an American website, is that Islam with a growth rate is the fastest among religions, It will wrest from Christianity the leadership of the world order in the middle of the twenty-first century.

The authority of religion and Islamic belief is the strongest among the beliefs of other religions, which makes the increasing demand for embracing the Islamic religion logical and rational, and despite the continuous attempts to distort Islam and its followers, its followers are increasing day after day, and perhaps these attempts to distort and insult symbols The Islamic religion is what prompted non-Muslims to learn about what Islam is and who Muslims are, so they rush to know the truth, and the continuous attempts to distort Islam, insult it, and stigmatize it provoke the enthusiasm of Muslims, so they provide for their religion by introducing people to its tolerance and tolerance and presenting the true image of Islam.

The growth of other religious groups:

A young population coupled with high fertility rates will cause Muslims to make up 32% of the world's population by 2060. The small number of Christians will grow by only 34%, which is slightly faster than the global population growth rate but much slower than Muslims. That other religious groups represent a smaller proportion of the world’s population in the year 2060 AD than they did in 2015, and although these religious groups are expected to grow slightly, they will not keep pace with the increase in the global population.
Hindus will grow by a tiny fraction of 27% while Jews are expected to grow as the smallest religious group by 15%, adherents of various folk religions such as African traditional religions, Australian aborigines, and Chinese folk religions will only grow by 5% with the unaffiliated increasing by only 3% The planet's population of Buddhists and other smaller religious groups such as the Yan and Taoists is expected to decline by 7% by 2060 due to declining fertility rates and an aging population in China, Thailand and Japan where they are concentrated.
